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What Are the Effects of Drinking Coffee For All of Us?

What Are the Effects of Drinking Coffee For All of Us?

3 min

Many people think their morning would not be complete without sipping on a cup of delicious coffee with their favorite aroma and taste.

Did you know that there are many effects of drinking coffee that you need to know? These effects happen to you and are related to other things in your life.

What are these things? Take a look at the various effects of drinking coffee below!

Strengthening Human Relations


Have you ever met someone you just met and had a hard time finding something they had in common? If yes, surely you know how difficult it is to find topics to discuss together.


But now you don't need to worry anymore! You can rely on a cup of coffee as an icebreaker. Although everyone's preferences differ, coffee is a universal drink that tends to be easy to make and can be adapted to many people's tastes. You can make coffee a meeting point or the start of a network you want to build!


Also Read: Powerful! 3 Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee While Working



Supporting the Coffee Industry in Indonesia


According to the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, at the end of 2019, Indonesia was the 4th largest coffee producer in the world. That's something to be proud of, isn't it? However, behind all these achievements is the effort and commitment of coffee farmers, without whom the coffee industry would not be as successful as it is.


So, by continuing to enjoy coffee, you will continue to support their livelihood. Then, if this effect of drinking coffee continues, there will be more achievements and other developments in the coffee industry in Indonesia.



Preserving the Culture of Drinking Coffee in the World


It's not only in Indonesia that the effects of drinking coffee can be felt, but throughout the world, too! The reason is that some of the coffee produced by Indonesia will also be distributed and enjoyed by coffee lovers in various countries.


An example is Egypt. According to a report from the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics of Egypt (CAPMAS), in February 2020 alone, Indonesia was Egypt's largest coffee exporter. Great, isn't it?


A More Positive Way to Enjoy Coffee
Apart from the effects of drinking coffee above, it's also a good idea to know good ways or habits to enjoy coffee. The following things can create a positive domino effect in your life and other people's lives!


  • ●    Enjoy the process of brewing coffee, whatever the method
  • ●    Drink coffee with those closest to you
  • ●    Create various coffee drinks together
  • ●    Learn the origins of the coffee beans and the processing process
  • ●    Ensure that the coffee is grown and sourced in a sustainable way


Now, that's an explanation of the effects of drinking coffee on all of us. Actually, drinking coffee is an activity that you can do alone. What is clear is that whether you drink coffee alone or with other people, you will continue to support the coffee industry and preserve the culture of drinking coffee. By doing this, the people around you and coffee farmers can also benefit.


One of the coffees that you can choose is NESCAFÉ Classic. PThis product is made from 100% pure Robusta beans obtained from the plantations of coffee farmers in ways that prioritize sustainability (sustainable production) and preserve nature. From the hands of these farmers, the coffee beans are then processed to produce instant coffee powder that you can enjoy!



What Are the Effects of Drinking Coffee On All of Us


NESCAFÉ® sustainability

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